Senior Spotlight: Yash Patel
Name: Yash Patel
Birthday: August 8th
Favorite Food: Chicken
Favorite Drink: RedBull
Dream Car: Bugatti Veyron
Dream Vacation: Dubai
Favorite Clothing: Suit
Favorite Song: “Closer” – Chainsmokers
Favorite Music Group: Chainsmokers
Favorite TV Show: Money Heist
Favorite Movie: Wolf of The Wall Street
Hobbies: Business skills, entrepreneur skills, sports, making more money
Favorite Sport: Cricket
Favorite Sports Team: India
Favorite Restaurant: Buffalo Wild Wings
Favorite Actor: Leonardo DiCaprio
Favorite Actress: Scarlett Johnson
Favorite Place to Go: Santorini, Greece
Favorite Color: Black
Favorite Holiday: Sunday
Favorite Cartoon Character: Tom and Jerry
Favorite Thing to Do: Making more money
Favorite Pet: A puppy
Favorite Amusement Park: Ferrari World Dubai
Favorite Subject: Science
Favorite Teacher: Mrs. Gogel
Favorite Elementary Teacher: Mrs. Melton
Favorite Place to Go After School: New York
Favorite Place to Eat Lunch: at home
Favorite Thing to Watch on Netflix: Money Heist
Dream Job: Entrepreneur
Favorite Quote: Don’t work 9-5 or 8-8 you are not made for that day one or one day you decide. Work until you no longer have to introduce yourself.
If you could have 3 wishes, what would they be? world to be a better place, to be rich, for everyone in the world to be happy
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? A successful, rich man.
Plans after High School: Job and Business
High School Activities and Clubs: NHS
Most Memorable Moment: Coming to the USA
What will you miss most about CHS? Everything
A message to your family & friends: Always be happy

Hello! My name is Jenessa Sturgeon. I am a junior and a third-year writer for the HiLife. I play varsity...