Your Name: Trevor Hale
Birthday: August 25
Clubs and Activities: Basketball 4 years, cross country 3 years, baseball 4 years, Pep Club 4 years, Student Council 4 years, National Honor Society 3 years
Awards and Accomplishments: tying the record for most 3 pointers in a game
Future Plans: to intend Ivy Tech and major in business
Most Memorable Moment: Playing basketball with my friends
What will you miss most after graduating? My friends and teachers
Job: Goodwill
Significant Other: Kylie Anastasiades
Hobbies: video games
Favorite Food: Country fried steak
Favorite Restaurant: Texas Roadhouse
Favorite Color: Blue
Dream Car: GTR
Dream Vacation: Bahamas
Favorite Clothing: Nike
Favorite TV Show: Outer Banks
Favorite Movie: Shrek
Favorite Actor: Andrew Garfield
Favorite Sport: Basketball
Favorite Sports Teams: Kentucky
Favorite Subject: Math
Favorite High School Teacher: Ms. Leinenbach
Favorite Elementary Teacher: Mrs. Powers
Dream Job: Basketball player
What will you miss most about CHS? Everything
Advice for underclassmen? Don’t give up
A message for your parents/guardians, family, friends, teachers, etc. anyone important!
Thank you for all the memories
Martha Slaton • May 20, 2024 at 4:50 pm
Trevor you are a smart young man I’m so proud of Wolverine you to the moon n back