Your Name: Trenton Zoglman
Birthday: April 9
Clubs and Activities: Basketball 1 year, Baseball 2 years, chess club 2 years
Future Plans: OCTC for industrial Maintenance
What will you miss most after graduating? sports and free time
Job: Goodwill
Significant Other: Danika Maffia
Hobbies: Legos, video games
Favorite Food: cheeseburgers
Favorite Restaurant: Arby’s
Favorite Color: orange
Dream Car: Ford GT
Dream Vacation: Philippines
Favorite Clothing: silly socks
Favorite Song: “40 oz. to Freedom” by Sublime
Favorite Musical Group/Artist: Sublime
Favorite TV Show: Breaking Bad
Favorite Movie: House Party
Favorite Actor: Tyler Perry
Favorite Actress: Anna Faris
Favorite Fictional Character/Cartoon: SpongeBob
Favorite Sport: Baseball
Favorite Sports Teams: Atlanta Braves
Favorite Thing to Do: swim, play baseball
Favorite Place to Go: The river bank
Favorite Amusement Park: Holiday World
Favorite Holiday: Thanksgiving
Favorite Pet: My cat Aspen
Favorite Subject: history
Favorite High School Teacher: Mrs. Hawkins
Favorite Elementary Teacher: Mr. Stahly
Favorite Place to go After School: baseball practice
Favorite Place to Eat Lunch: The Post
Favorite Thing to Watch on Netflix: Bojack Horseman
Favorite Thing to Watch on Hulu: The Bear
Dream Job: business owner
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? working
What will you miss most about CHS? The community
Advice for underclassmen? It goes by way faster than it should so don’t take it for granted.
Amy Kessinger • May 26, 2024 at 5:58 pm
Couldn’t more proud of you Trent .. I love you now and always . Forever