Senior Class Fundraiser is a Smashing Success


Kylie Anastasiades

Our CHS Class of 2020 reunited for our first ever graduation parade.

Recently, the senior class of Cannelton High School was thinking of fundraising ideas to raise money for graduation, senior shirts, senior trip, and other class events. During homeroom, the class decided to see if a local business would be interested in allowing the senior class to sell their product in return for a portion of the profit. The class decided to ask Iron Gate Pizza if they would be willing to partner with the senior class. Thankfully, the owners of Iron Gate Pizza accepted, and the senior class began their fundraising efforts.

The senior class is, unfortunately, known for their lack of fundraising ability and was in desperate need for this final fundraiser to be a success. The class was told that each student needed to sell at least 10 pizzas, in order to cover the costs of senior shirts. I am glad to report that the senior class more than achieved that goal, selling a whopping 422 medium pizzas. This was an extremely unexpected number for a class that is known to be poor fundraisers.

The class is expected to make about $800 in profit, more than exceeding the set goal for the class. The senior class really pulled together in order to gather as many orders as possible, which is what led to this unexpected turnout. It also helped that the senior class was selling products from a Cannelton-based business, especially one as well known as Iron Gate Pizza.

The senior class would like to thank everyone who bought pizza from a senior, it went a long way to helping our class. The Class of 2020 would also like to extend a special thank you to Iron Gate Pizza, who made all of this possible.