Cannelton High School Ugly Holiday Sweater Contest 2019
Some of our eighth grade Ugly Holiday Sweater contest entries, including first place winner Carter (far left).
The cafeteria staff at Cannelton Junior-Senior High School hosted a ugly holiday sweater contest. There were two categories – one for students and one for staff.
There were a lot of good sweaters, but only 1 could win in each caategory.
First, we can start off with the staff – the winner was Ms. Allicyn Garrett.
The winner in the student category was eighth grader Carter Vogt. Carter won a prize package that included an Amazon Echo Dot, new earbuds, candy, and more.
Special thank you to our cafeteria contest for hosting such a fun contest!
Happy Holidays!

Some of our sixth grade entries in the Ugly Holiday Sweater contest.

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