Top 10 Infamous Landmarks at CHS
Cannelton High School is an incredibly old building, full of legends, secrets, and mysteries.
10. The old thermostats. These old thermostats have been here for decades. They are yellowish, antique, and unique. Some of these thermostats have been broken, and now reveal the hidden, ancient technology inside.

One of our old thermostats, that are incredibly old.
9. The smashed locker in the middle school. Everyone that I’ve asked doesn’t know exactly what happened to it.

How did this locker get smashed in, anyway?
8. The hand sanitizer dispensers. Those dispensers around the school are somewhat new, but they are infamously never filled. Some are almost broken; others seem like they would work just fine.

The infamous hand sanitizer dispensers that are in every room, but are never filled.
7. The air conditioner in the English room. This one air conditioner is different than all of the other ones in the school. This air conditioner has a rounder shape and is a different color than the others.

Why is this air conditioner different than the rest?
6. The random detention sign. This detention sign is located on the “book graveyard” door. This tiny room is currently home to all of our textbooks that are not being used. Maybe this room used to be a detention room.
5. The junior high window blinds. These blinds are really old. They barely keep any sun out, and they are never evenly set.

The junior high “blinds” that don’t really block any light.
4. The coke machines. The coke machines in the school are never on anymore, but everyone knows the areas. They weren’t all that popular when they were on, but if you needed a drink quickly, they were there.

One of our permanently unplugged soda machines.
3. The picnic tables outside. The patio with the picnic tables are a popular place for people to sit. The tables are full of trash because people are lazy and won’t walk two feet. It’s easy to tell that the picnic tables are somewhat old, because the paint is chipping.

Our popular picnic tables that, so far, have stood the test of time.
2. The water fountains. Everyone knows where they are, but most people doesn’t use them. They don’t use them because sometimes their a little gross, especially when there’s gum in them.

1.The Hoghole. Almost anyone that has attended Cannelton can tell you about this closet. It has had many names throughout the years. It’s so popular that it has a specific name for it. Now everyone refers to this tiny closet as The Hoghole, thanks to the class of 2022 – they gave it that name when they were in 6th grade.

The most famous landmark at CHS – The Hoghole.

My name is Jason. I'm a freshman, and this is my fourth year writing for the HiLife. My favorite color...