Your Name: Marian Stout
Birthday: September 16
Awards and Accomplishments: Academics
Future Plans: Going to college
Most Memorable Moment: Talking to my friends and having a good time with the teachers
What will you miss most after graduating? The teachers
Job: Becoming a therapist
Significant Other: Boyfriend
Hobbies: Hangout with my family, friends, and my boyfriend, and do my chores almost everyday because I get bored
Favorite Food: popcorn
Favorite Restaurant: Los Amigos
Favorite Color: Bright blue
Dream Car: Ferrari
Dream Vacation: Hawaii
Favorite Clothing: American Eagle
Favorite Song: “My Heart Will Go On” by Celine Dion
Favorite Musical Artist/Group: Celine Dion
Favorite TV Show: Grey’s Anatomy
Favorite Movie: American Psycho
Favorite Actor: Ryan Reynolds
Favorite Actress: Ellen Pompeo
Favorite Fictional Character/Cartoon: Adventure Time
Favorite Sport: Basketball
Favorite Sports Team: Football
Favorite Thing to Do: play basketball with friends and family
Favorite Place to Go: Rainbow Lake to get my mind off things
Favorite Amusement Park: The Island
Favorite Holiday: Halloween
Favorite Pet: Dogs
Favorite Subject: Math
Favorite High School Teacher: Mrs. Gogel
Favorite Place to go After School: nowhere but stay home
Favorite Place to Eat Lunch: outside
Favorite Thing to Watch on Netflix: Outer Banks
Favorite Thing to Watch on Hulu: American Horror Story
Dream Job: a therapist
Favorite Childhood Memory: camping with my family
Favorite Elementary Memory: going outside for recess
Favorite High School Memory: Having good teachers and friends
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Getting my life together
What will you miss most about CHS? All my friends especially the teachers
Advice for underclassmen? Don’t do anything dumb try not to get in trouble and do your work
A message for your parents/guardians, family, friends, teachers, etc. anyone important!
I hope Mrs. Gogel doesn’t get more stress out then she already does. She’s the best teacher I had ever had even when I was in a bad place she always knew had to cheer me up.