Your Name: Lilith Kellems
Birthday: July 23
Future Plans: become a mortician
Most Memorable Moment: bringing my son to school to meet everyone
What will you miss most after graduating? my friends when I was in school and the memories we made
Job: stay at home mom
Significant Other: Kolbie Wright
Hobbies: playing with my son
Favorite Food: pickles
Favorite Restaurant: Olive Garden
Favorite Color: pink
Dream Car: white Jeep Wrangler
Dream Vacation: Greece in the summertime
Favorite Clothing: sweatpants
Favorite Song: “Wild Ones” by Jesse Murph and Jelly Roll
Favorite Musical Group/Artist: Jelly Roll
Favorite TV Show: Shameless
Favorite Movie: The Twilight Saga
Favorite Actor: Robert Pattinson
Favorite Actress: Emma Stone
Favorite Fictional Character/Cartoon: SpongeBob SquarePants
Favorite Thing to Do: sleep and spend time with my son
Favorite Place to Go: to bed
Favorite Amusement Park: The Island in Pigeon Forge, TN
Favorite Holiday: Christmas
Favorite Pet: cats
Favorite Subject: English
Favorite High School Teacher: Mrs. Dykes
Favorite Elementary Teacher: Miss Horn
Favorite Place to go After School: home
Favorite Place to Eat Lunch: Chick-Fil-A
Favorite Thing to Watch on Netflix: Shameless
Favorite Thing to Watch on Hulu: Family Guy
Dream Job: mortician
Favorite Childhood Memory: walking around town with friends
Favorite Elementary Memory: decorating classroom doors for Christmas
Favorite Middle School Memory: helping teachers move their classrooms in the middle of the school day
Favorite High School Memory: any memory when Mrs. Dykes was teaching
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? hopefully successful in what path i choose and two happy and healthy kids
What will you miss most about CHS? the staff
Advice for underclassmen? don’t stress about school, make memories and have fun
A message for your parents/guardians, family, friends, teachers, etc. anyone important!
I wouldn’t have made it this far without my mom and dads help and my sweet baby boy by my side
Alice • Jul 9, 2024 at 11:59 am
Very pretty young lady. Congratulations
LORI KELLEMS • Jul 8, 2024 at 8:47 pm
Lilith I am so proud of you!! I love you so so very much.