Your Name: Jeffery Bernardi
Birthday: July 17
Clubs and Activities: basketball 2 years, baseball 1 year, weight lifting 2 years
Future Plans: go straight into work to support my wife and kids
Most Memorable Moment: playing basketball
What will you miss most after graduating? joking with friends
Significant Other: Emilee Bernardi
Hobbies: playing video games with my brother in law
Favorite Food: pizza
Favorite Restaurant: Texas Roadhouse
Favorite Color: red and black
Dream Car: Dodge Charger
Dream Vacation: Great Smoky Mountains
Favorite Clothing: shorts
Favorite Song: “You’ve Got to Stand for Something” by Aaron Tippin
Favorite TV Show: Grey’s Anatomy
Favorite Movie: Titanic
Favorite Actor: Cole Hauser
Favorite Actress: Ellen Pompeo
Favorite Fictional Character/Cartoon: Garfield
Favorite Sport: basketball
Favorite Sports Teams: Golden State Warriors
Favorite Thing to Do: playing Fortnite with Arthur Cooper
Favorite Place to Go: friends house or the park with my daughter
Favorite Amusement Park: Holiday World
Favorite Holiday: my birthday
Favorite Pet: my dog named Whiskey
Favorite Subject: history
Favorite High School Teacher: Mrs. Hinton and Mrs. Gogel
Favorite Elementary Teacher: Mrs. Powers
Favorite Place to go After School: home
Favorite Place to Eat Lunch: McDonald’s
Favorite Thing to Watch on Netflix: Grey’s Anatomy
Dream Job: getting paid to try video games
Favorite Childhood Memory: playing hot wheels with my Uncle Mike
Favorite Elementary Memory: recess
Favorite Middle School Memory: goofing around in class
Favorite High School Memory: telling everyone I got engaged
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? nice job, my own house with a big yard for my kids and dogs
What will you miss most about CHS? teachers
Advice for underclassmen? Stay in school.
A message for your parents/guardians, family, friends, teachers, etc. anyone important!
Mom, Dad, Katilyn, and Granny, thank you for always pushing me and supporting me. Ethan and Dylan, thank you for always making me laugh and goofing around with me.