Your Name: Trevor Sturgeon
Birthday: January 14
Clubs and Activities: Basketball 2 years, baseball 2 years, cross country 1 year
Future Plans: join the operators union
Most Memorable Moment: Playing sports
What will you miss most after graduating? Coaches and my teachers
Hobbies: play basketball
Favorite Food: Breakfast
Favorite Restaurant: Shoguns
Favorite Color: Blue
Dream Car: A g body
Dream Vacation: The mountains
Favorite Clothing: Drake
Favorite Song: “Nose on the Grindstone” by Tyler Childers
Favorite TV Show: Swat
Favorite Movie: Shooter
Favorite Sport: Basketball
Favorite Sports Teams: Golden State Warriors, Kentucky college basketball, Cubs, Chiefs
Favorite Thing to Do: Duck hunt and deer hunt
Favorite Place to Go: Gatlinburg
Favorite Holiday: Thanksgiving
Favorite Pet: Dogs
Favorite Subject: Government
Favorite High School Teacher: Mrs. Hinton
Favorite Elementary Teacher: Mrs. Powers
Favorite Place to go After School: practice
Favorite Place to Eat Lunch: Los Amigos
Favorite Thing to Watch on Netflix: Swat
Dream Job: Operators union
Favorite Childhood Memory: Playing basketball in elementary
Favorite Elementary Memory: Playing basketball with the boys
Favorite High School Memory: Playing basketball and baseball for Coach Mike
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Working
What will you miss most about CHS? All the teachers and office workers and my coaches
Advice for underclassmen? Just do your work. Worry about yourself and it will be pretty easy.
A message for your parents/guardians, family, friends, teachers, etc. anyone important!
Couldn’t have graduated without all of yall