Your Name: Shilah Kay McMahan
Birthday: June 29
Clubs and Activities: Basketball 4 years, Softball 4 year,s Student Council 4 years
Future Plans: Veterinary Tech
Most Memorable Moment: winning the SRC basketball tournament
What will you miss most after graduating? Sports
Hobbies: Crocheting
Favorite Food: pasta
Favorite Restaurant: Texas Roadhouse
Favorite Color: green
Favorite Sport: Softball
Favorite Thing to Do: Hang out with friends
Favorite Holiday: Valentine’s Day
Favorite Subject: Science
Favorite High School Teacher: Mrs. Gogel
Favorite Place to go After School: home
Favorite Place to Eat Lunch: Taco Bell
Favorite Thing to Watch on Netflix: Bojack Horseman
Favorite Thing to Watch on Hulu: Abbott Elementary
What will you miss most about CHS? Sports
Masons • May 15, 2024 at 9:04 am
We’re very proud of Shilah! Whatever she dreams of becoming and whatever puts happiness in her heart is exactly what we are wishing for her!
Congratulations from Eric and Shelitha Mason.