Your Name: Shaun Tempel
Birthday: October 5
Clubs and Activities: Table Top Gaming Club
Future Plans: Military
Most Memorable Moment: Playing betrayal on the house on the hill on the last day of school
What will you miss most after graduating? Friends
Job: Retail Worker
Hobbies: Games
Favorite Food: Bacon
Favorite Restaurant: Subway
Favorite Clothing: Baggy Clothing
Favorite Song: “Aquatic Ambiance” by The OneUps
Favorite Artist/Musical Group: David Wise
Favorite Movie: Silent Voice
Favorite Actor: Ryan Reynolds
Favorite Sport: Bowling
Favorite Thing to Do: Watch Television
Favorite Place to Go: The Pool
Favorite Amusement Park: Holiday World
Favorite Holiday: Halloween
Favorite Pet: Bear Bear
Favorite High School Teacher: They were all nice
Favorite Place to Eat Lunch: Mrs. Gogel’s room
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Halfway through retirement
What will you miss most about CHS? The teachers
Advice for underclassmen? Do not get behind
A message for your parents/guardians, family, friends, teachers, etc. anyone important!