Your Name: Nakaia Skye Little
Birthday: January 15
Clubs and Activities: Volleyball 2 years, Softball 2 years, National Honor Society 3 years
Future Plans: College
Most Memorable Moment: Carter hosting a dungeons and dragons game
What will you miss most after graduating? The teachers
Job: Cashier
Hobbies: Crocheting
Favorite Food: Brownies
Favorite Restaurant: Olive Garden
Favorite Color: Red
Dream Car: Minivan
Dream Vacation: Mykonos
Favorite Clothing: Shoes
Favorite Song: “Anniversary” by Tony! Toni! TonĂ©!
Favorite Artist/Musical Group: Michael Jackson
Favorite TV Show: The Boys
Favorite Movie: Lifted
Favorite Actor: Donald Glover
Favorite Actress: Regina King
Favorite Fictional Character/Cartoon: Uncle Ruckus- The Boondocks
Favorite Sport: Soccer
Favorite Sports Teams: Arsenal F.C.
Favorite Thing to Do: Crochet
Favorite Place to Go: To work
Favorite Amusement Park: Holiday World
Favorite Holiday: Thanksgiving
Favorite Pet: Rats
Favorite Subject: English
Favorite High School Teacher: Ms. Leinenbach
Favorite Elementary Teacher: Ms. Brown
Favorite Place to go After School: To work
Favorite Place to Eat Lunch: Taco Bell
Favorite Thing to Watch on Netflix: Love Island
Favorite Thing to Watch on Hulu: 1,000 Lbs Sisters
Dream Job: Traveling
Favorite Childhood Memory: Going to the park
Favorite Elementary Memory: Going the nurses office and faking sick to get sent home
Favorite Middle School Memory: Having Mr. Mason as a teacher
Favorite High School Memory: Playing dungeons and dragons
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Rich on a farm with 12 children
What will you miss most about CHS? The teachers
Advice for underclassmen? Show up to school
A message for your parents/guardians, family, friends, teachers, etc. anyone important!
Thank you for the support!
Rita Little • May 17, 2024 at 10:37 pm
Your the best, make all your dreams come true, we love you