Your Name: Carter Vogt
Birthday: October 16
Clubs and Activities: Board Game Club 2 years, National Honor Society 3 years, Student Council 2 years
Future Plans: to go to college and become a chemical engineer
Most Memorable Moment: Running DND games/Playing smash bros all day on the last day of school
What will you miss most after graduating? The teachers and classmates that I got to know over the years.
Job: Walmart Online Grocery Pickup Associate
Hobbies: DND, sitting in my bed, and video games (mostly Pokémon)
Favorite Food: Fried Chicken
Favorite Color: Blue
Dream Car: The Bat-Mobile would be pretty cool
Dream Vacation: to go to the Pokémon world for a couple of weeks
Favorite Clothing: Jackets
Favorite Sport: Dodgeball
Favorite Thing to Do: Dungeons and Dragons
Favorite Place to Go: Home
Favorite Amusement Park: King’s Island
Favorite Holiday: Halloween
Favorite Pet: Sunny
Favorite Subject: Chemistry
Favorite Place to go After School: home
Favorite Place to Eat Lunch: maybe Texas Roadhouse
Dream Job: Chemist
Favorite Childhood Memory: Snow days
Favorite Elementary Memory: the moments after the ISTEP where you go outside
Favorite Middle School Memory: Being able to sleep in
Favorite High School Memory: My DND session, where I hosted a DND session for about 3 hours.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? alone, and in a very small hotel room
What will you miss most about CHS? Being in a setting with all of my friends
Advice for underclassmen? Go above and beyond, it will benefit you in the long run.
A message for your parents/guardians, family, friends, teachers, etc. anyone important!
Live, Laugh, Love