The Student News Site of Cannelton City Schools

Brandi VanWinkle

Cannelton High School Class of 2022 Senior Dylan Persohn

Senior Spotlight: Dylan Persohn

Cannelton High School Class of 2022 Senior Dylan Persohn (Brandi VanWinkle)

Your Name: Dylan Persohn

Birthday: April 13

Clubs and Activities: Student Council – 2 years

Future Plans: My future plans are to go into the workforce after school.

Most Memorable Moment: The time Jon ate an orange peel then his mouth went numb.

What will you miss most after graduating? after school pizza 

Hobbies: playing video games

Favorite Food: Pizza 

Favorite Restaurant: Iron Gate

Dream Vacation: Legoland

Favorite Song: “Electric Zoo”

Favorite Fiction Character/Cartoon: Rigby

Favorite Thing to Do: play games

Favorite Amusement Park: Legoland

Favorite Holiday: Halloween

Favorite High School Teacher: Mrs. Gogel

Favorite Place to Eat Lunch: Papa John’s

What will you miss most about CHS? the people here

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