The Student News Site of Cannelton City Schools

Debbie Taylor

Sebastian McMahan – Cannelton High School Class of 2021

Senior Spotlight: Sebastian McMahan

Name: Sebastian McMahan

Birthday: June 6th

Significant Other: UGH THAT’S TUFF

Favorite Food: Steak

Favorite Drink: Purple Powerade

Dream Car: A Tractor

Dream Vacation: Inside a volcano

Favorite Clothing: Skinny Jeans and shirt

Favorite Song: Paw Patrol theme

Favorite Music Group: The Jackson 5

Favorite TV Show: All American

Favorite Movie: The Marine 

Hobbies: Gaming

Favorite Sport: Football

Favorite Sports Team: Saints

Favorite Restaurant: Bdubs

Favorite Actor: John Cena

Favorite Actress: None

Favorite Place to Go: The Gym

Favorite Color: Purple

Favorite Holiday: Christmas

Favorite Cartoon Character: Peter Griffin

Favorite Thing to Do: Play Basketball

Favorite Pet: Lion

Favorite Subject: Chemistry

Favorite Teacher: Michael Parr

Favorite Place to Go After School: Gym

Favorite Place to Eat Lunch: McDonalds

Favorite Thing to Watch on Netflix: All American

Dream Job: Police Officer

Favorite Quote: “Trusting you is my decision proving me wrong is your choice.” – Patrick Star

If you could have 3 wishes, what would they be? Bring my dad back

If you could go back to any age, what would it be and why? 16 because I could change some stuff that took place during my senior year that would have made it better.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Married with kids

Plans after High School: have fun

High School Activities and Clubs: Basketball and Cross Country

Accomplishments and Awards: 2 time SRC champions

What will you miss most about CHS? Mr. Garrett

Advice for underclassmen: Always put yourself first, your happiness is more important than anything else.

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