The Student News Site of Cannelton City Schools

Nolan Aders – Cannelton High School Class of 2021

Senior Spotlight: Nolan Aders

Name: Nolan Michael Aders

Birthday: May 22

Favorite Food: Mac and cheese

Favorite Drink: Mtn Dew

Dream Vacation: California 

Favorite Song: “Lucid Dreams”

Favorite TV Show: SpongeBob

Favorite Movie: Grown Ups 

Hobbies: Gaming

Favorite Sport: Baseball and Basketball don’t have a favorite

Favorite Sport Team: Golden State Warriors

Favorite Actor: Jim Carrey

Favorite Color: Pink

Favorite Holiday: Christmas

Favorite Cartoon Character: Peter Griffin

Favorite Thing to Do: Video Games

Favorite Pet: Dog 

Favorite Subject: Math

Favorite Teacher: Mrs. Leinenbach

Favorite Place to Go After School: practice

Favorite Quote: “Don’t look in the past no more.”

If you could have 3 wishes, what would they be? Bring me back to 8th grade year, to be rich.

If you could go back to any age, what would it be and why? 14 because I was starting to learn more and I wish I could change some things I did and wish I could have been smarter.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Hopefully happy and working

High School Activities and Clubs: Baseball, Basketball

Most Memorable Moment: Winning back to back conference championships

What will you miss most about CHS? Everything 

Advice for underclassmen: Be responsible, and be smart with decisions 

A message to your family, friends, anyone important: Thank you for pushing me. I love all of you.

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