Seventh grade student Kylie won first place in the annual VFW essay contest!
What Makes America Great
This essay was written by 7th Grader Kylie Anastasiades as part of the 2019 VFW essay contest. Kylie was awarded first place for this essay!
What Makes America Great
There are many reasons why America is great. The one that means the most to me is our freedom. We are free and able to do the things that we love, like being with our families everyday and playing sports. Though, we are only allowed to do that because of the Bill of Rights. This means we have a choice and an opinion in what we can do and what we can believe in. America is great because we have freedom, choices, and opportunities in the world that are protected by our military.
With the Bill of Rights, we can have freedom of speech, religion, and the right to be free. Everybody can believe in different things and everybody doesn’t have to agree with anything people do. People aren’t supposed to believe or agree on the same thing. Everybody is supposed to be different in some type of way, and if we would all agree on the same thing we wouldn’t really be different. The Bill of Rights is one of the main things that makes America great and makes us stand out more than the other countries.
Our citizens are also a reason that America is great. Everyday people decide whether they want to go to work or school. Some people want to get up in the morning and teach kids about everything they will need to know. Others get up and fight for our country. People go to battle and risk their lives for us to live, go to work, go to school and do what we do everyday, and if it wasn’t for them we wouldn’t be able to do anything. With everybody in the world working together, we can have bigger and better things for everybody.
All of these things make America great, but without our military to fight for them we wouldn’t have any of these things. People in our military go to war and fight our enemies for a living. They risk their lives so that we are able to be free and do the things we love. We need to appreciate the things that we have, because if it wasn’t for our military then we wouldn’t be here today. We would be somewhere else doing something we wouldn’t want to do. America is great because of our military, because if we didn’t have our military then we wouldn’t have anything.