Slapdash Newscast: Volume 1
Slapdash Newscast Volume 1: Letter from the Editor
Slapdash Newscast is an original comic series by a student at CHS who wishes to be known under the pseudonym Blacklight.

Slapdash Newscast Volume 1, Page 1. By CHS Student Blacklight.

Slapdash Newscast Volume 1, Page 2. By CHS Student Blacklight.
About the Contributor

Makayla Reed, Writer
Hi! I'm Makayla. I am a freshman, and it's my fourth year writing for the Cannelton HiLife. I play volleyball...
Blacklight • Dec 11, 2019 at 12:25 pm
Thank you for changing my name as requested. I look forward to releasing new comics on this website and hope all students and educational providers enjoy reading them as much as i enjoy making them. if you got far enough to actually read this, then i’m impressed and thank you for reading my comic. More will be released in the future.